Monday, October 24, 2011

It has been a BUSY week

We have a new..........NEPHEW!! John Louis Cox was born on 10-12-11 weighing in at 8lbs and as healthy as can be! Congratulations Lisa, Joe, Patrick, Izzy, and Tommy!! I can't wait to go home in January and hold the little guy. 

We also celebrated my 29th birthday.  I had a wonderful day at school; all my classes sang happy birthday to me. I really loved when they were guessing my age and honestly guessed 24!! Then they acted surprised I was 29. Only 1 person (out loud) guessed I was 32..haha.  I love my classes this year.  They are hard workers and have great personalities which makes my job even more enjoyable.  Chris got me Tom's shoes.  The are the "Dare to Teach" fabric. I love them! And I love that Tom's has their "One for One" campaign.  It is with every purchase of a new pair of Tom's they will give a new pair of shoes to a child in need.  So that means a kid out there got a present for my birthday too!!! 

My cheerleaders made me a special shirt that said "Birthday Coach" with all their names on the back. It's pretty sweet! I wore it to both games this week this past week. 

A couple weekends ago I made a "Haunted Foam Castle".  It was a 91 piece 3D foam puzzle.  The directions were to follow the picture on the box.  Three hours later I finally had it finished.  It is very cute, some sort of directions would have been helpful.  I think my finished castle turned out pretty cool!

Monday, October 10, 2011

OktoBEERfest and a Rainy Sunday

On Saturday we went to Oktobeerfest at Dunedin Brewery.  Two years ago we went to this with my sister-in-laws when they were down to visit while I was pregnant with the twins.  Last year we missed the event, so we made sure to make it back this year! It was fun, the food was delicious, and I found a new favorite beer called Big Bam Boo Pumpkin Ale brewed at the brewery.  Chris bought us each a Dunedin Brewery t-shirt, so now we have matching shirts... how cute!!! haha!! I just have to convince him I want to wear them on the same day, we would be so funny!!!

Kenna and Carter had fun dancing to the band with the other kids that were there.  Kenna even made friends with a nice lady who got up and danced with us.  They are so much fun to watch!

This is Carter after waking up from his nap. WOW!! Look at that hair.  It might be time for a hair cut, but I don't think I can stand cutting off those beautiful (sometimes crazy) curls.  Maybe we will trim it up a little when Auntie P is here so she can help keep his head still.  His new this is saying "oh ya, oh ya" when we ask him a question, it is the cutest thing ever!!! I as "Carter, do you love your Mommy?" his reply "Oh ya!" 

Chris didn't want an actual birthday party all about him..... so I made it a pumpkin carving party with cupcakes to celebrate Chris's 30th thrown in.  I'm sneaky like that! I was just going to send out an email about it, but I thought I would play around with photoshop and see what I came up with for an actual invitation.  Two hours later and a (printing issue) I had an invite,  they are cute and I like them!! My brother is an actual graphic artist went to college for it and everything!!! There were a few times I wanted to just give up and call him to make one for me, but I didn't! I even thought about calling him to ask questions about what I was doing. However, I am sooooooo not photoshop savvy and I didn't know how to put what I was doing into words so he could understand me.  Let alone when he would try to tell me what to do back I wasn't going to get it either.  SO this invitation is a product of trial-and-error and clicking the go back a step button. 

Sunday evening we made our second Halloween craft: Sun catchers.  The twins painted them mostly by themselves.  They really liked painting.  Carter didn't want to stop even after his paint was all gone.  
Kenna and Daddy painting.
Kenna made the "mow mow" her favorite animal lately, and Carter made the ghost.

It was a nice weekend and we have a SUPER BUSY week ahead.  I just need to remember not to get overwhelmed and take it one task at a time.  I have our first HHS Cheerleading Alumni Night Fundraiser at school this Friday!! and we have UCF Stunt Camp on Saturday in Orlando.  I hope I get everything done and we have a good turnout for the event!!! 

Monday, October 3, 2011

My Favorite Month

It's OCTOBER! My favorite month! I love this month because it's my birthday month, Halloween, fall weather (not so much in Florida), leaves changing (I look a pictures on Pinterest for this!), Friday night football games,  Oktoberfest (I love German food and a beer), and I have a new niece or nephew coming this month.

It's a great month to have a baby, 29 years ago! It is my last year in my 20's.  I am not sad about this at all,  actually I am looking forward to a fantastic year.
I love this month more than just my birthday month.  October is like the "kick-off" for the holidays!

pick out a color.
 This past weekend the twins did a Halloween craft. They colored masks with markers (and their legs! But we kept it off the walls!).  Kenna has a "mow-mow" mask and Carter has a "Frank" mask.  He couldn't pronounce Frankenstein.
Carter coloring Frank
             The twins coloring their masks. 

Kenna and her "mow mow"
Carter used his mask more like a bat or paddle.
Kenna knew how to use her mask!
Kenna helped me with the pumpkin to hang in the front window.

We also colored and stickered a Halloween book.

I got our family pictures printed and switched out some old pictures for new ones. I put Chris and the twins on the far left and my favorite picture of Chris and I in the one at the top. When I switch pictures out of frames I always leave the other picture behind the new one. That way when I switch again I can look back and remember what I had in there. Looking at the wall in the picture I think I want to update the double "family" frame on the bottom right.

I also switched my pictures out that I have on my desk at school and look at what I found!!!! The picture on the left was from 10 years ago (it was behind 4 other pictures). It was from my very first semi-formal with Alpha Chi Omega, Chris was my date (of course he was my boyfriend!).  10 YEARS AGO!!! wow we look so young! I put it next to our latest picture and I love the amazing little family we have created together.  All of this happened in 10 short years. I love our life and couldn't ask for anything more. 

 It's also a good month to have a baby in 2011! My sister-in-law is due on the 12th with her 4th! I am so excited to meet the new addition to the family...BOY OR GIRL?????? I am guessing GIRL.  We will find out on the 12th. Lisa is a "super-mom"! Four children between the ages of (5-newborn) I look up to her and turn to her for advise.  I wish her a safe delivery and speedy recovery.

I share October 19th with my friend Stephanie, every year in high school we would wish each other a happy birthday at the same time! She just told me on Facebook that she is due with her first son on.... OUR BIRTHDAY!!!!  It would be so cool for Stephanie if she had him on her birthday!

This year we are going to go to an Oktoberfest celebration in Tampa (close to Germany, right?) I really like German food, I think I am looking forward the food more than the beer.  It's funny how excited I get about good food.  Its going to be a great month with fun things, Halloween costumes (not sure about them yet) and new additions! We have a craft for each weekend so I'll post about the next. Have a great week!