Monday, June 4, 2012

National Running Day

National Running Day is Wednesday, June 6th!! Which means in honor of "the" day I'll go running that day. I REALLY hate running when it is 90 degrees out, but I'll do it anyway!  I was looking at the website (found here) and there is a section on the top that says "I run..." which made me think. "Why do I run???????" That is a good question for me and I have been thinking about it all day. This is what I have come up with.

I run....

  • to be healthy
  • its something I can do with my kids
  • its something I can do with Chris
  • I have a really awesome running partner (Lisa)
  • I like to spend time with her while we run
  • because I like to run with my dogs
  • because I'm actually not that bad at it, and the more I run, the better I get.
  • because it's simple, one foot in front of the other, and keep on going
  • some days I run just to listen to my running songs
  • because it makes me feel good to accomplish a goal
  • to train for 5ks and half marathons
  • because I'm a naturally competitive person
  • for a cause (whatever the race is for) breast cancer, moffitt cancer centers, wounded warriors, ect...
  • to train for the BIG marathon with Lisa coming up the end of this year
  • because I like cute running outfits :) and shoes :) (it gives me a reason to buy them both)
  • to live a long, healthy, active life for my kids, my husband, and for myself.

I ran track in high school, but never really considered myself a runner. Before, I didn't really liked running, but I did it anyway. Mostly to stay in tip-top athletic shape for cheerleading and then theres that competitiveness aspect.  I never ran more than 1 to 2 miles in high school. Then in college I would run 3-5 with Chris every now and then. So when I ran that first half marathon, it was an awesome accomplishment. Now I would rather run than spend an hour at the gym, I consider myself a runner.  Next up on the list is a full marathon, 26.2 miles!!!

A little bit of advise for people wanting to get started running or even walking more.

  • Start out small (1 mile) or even run/walk. 
  • Reward yourself! even while you are out running, say "OK, if I run 3 more blocks then I can walk a block". 
  • Keep it enjoyable, don't push yourself too hard-too fast because then you will dread the next run. If you need a break, take it! 
  • Work your way up the miles or time. When I'm not training for anything, I like to gauge my runs on time. I run 15 minutes away from our house, then turn around and try to beat my 15 minutes back to the house.  
  • Find a running partner that is at your same level and motivate each other. Or run with your dog, you both will benefit from the workout.
  • If you have kids, strap them in the stroller and go have fun on a run. Mine now say "faster Mommy!" or "Yay, we did it!" when I turn back onto our street. Then motivate me to keep going :)
Here is a link to some downloadable tip sheets  and fast facts  for beginner runners. What ever your reasons to run, get out there and run on Wednesday. Maybe you will just keep on running :)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Disney Day 3

On Memorial Day we went to Epcot :) It was fun and a little rainy.  We were getting out of our car in the parking lot and could see the down pour coming across the parking lot, everyone started running back to their cars and we were all piling back into ours. It stopped raining long enough for us to get into the park and go on a couple rides. It rained (monsooned) while we were in The Land, so we watched the show and went on the boat ride. By the time we did both of those it stopped raining. We only had to wear our ponchos 1 time :) 

This is a great picture of Grandpa and Carter. They are so cute together!
 Mommy,  Daddy, and Kenna waiting to go on Imagination with Figment :)
 Carter the composer. He knew just what to do, moving his arms in and out just like on Little Einsteins.
 Just riding around on Daddy's shoulders. She was playing the drums on his head haha.
 It's Bruce!!!!
 Then we went to lunch at the Rose and Crown Pub (our favorite place, first time for my parents to eat there) We usually get fish and chips and a beer, but this time we tried new things! My mom and I got the corned beef sandwich, Chris got the Shepherds Pie, and Dad got bangers and mash. EVERYTHING was fabulous.
 teacher :) Walt, I think so too!

 Yay, we are at Disney!!!!!
 HAHAHA What Chris wants to do to me for dragging him around Disney for 2 days..... hahaha
 Aye! Viking Kenna, Viking Daddy, and Viking Grandpa. I think they look cute in those hats.
 Snack time. Norway has a bakery that my Mom looks forward to when she visits Epcot. She got her pretzel thing, the kids got a berry cream puff, and I got the "school bread" (hey, I'm a teacher :) It was cream filled heaven!!!!!!!!!! I shared with Chris and my Dad, my Mom had to go back and get them each their own school bread heaven.
 The twins LOVED their cream puff.
 So happy to spend the weekend with my parents! The twins we also so happy that Grandpa and Gigi were there, Chris was happy too :)
 Carter was practicing playing drums on Gigi's purse. How does he already know how to hold drum sticks!?!?!?!?!
 Drumming again in Mexico.............I think our boy might be a drummer.
 He is so stinkin cute!
 and he sings!!!!

Friday, June 1, 2012



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