Monday, March 26, 2012

... And a Quart of Yellow Paint

OK so this past weekend.. we painted the house!! I have to explain this one.

On Saturday the kids and Chris were taking a nap. I went outside to water our non-existant grass and plan where I want Chris to build me a raised garden bed. As I was scoping out the garden I was thinking about a cute patio and the idea came to me!! I could paint the porch! I had leftover yellow paint I didn't use in the bathroom and yellow could be cute for a little while at least. Sooooo I painted it!!! and then Chris and the kids woke up..... He did NOT think the yellow porch was as cute as I thought it was. Anyway he sat and watched me paint for about a half hour before he said "what was that color we wanted to paint the house for real? I'm going to get it and paint it this weekend". Next thing I know, we were at Home Depot checking out with 5 gallons of Spartan Stone and Antique White for the trim (I still have to pick a door color).

We went home and knocked out the whole back side of the house that night. The next day Chris started painting and I entertained the twins in the back yard with the sprinkler, a kiddie pool, and possibly a bloody mary :) I got them both down for a nap, at the same time!! (any Momma with more than 1 baby knows that isn't always easy) Then I helped paint.  I have to help! I kinda started this whole ordeal.  I really was ok with the yellow porch, BUT I'm extremely happy with our color choice. It looks amazing and is only halfway finished. We have the rest of the front and far side of the house, then all the trim to do next weekend.

 It makes a HUGE difference to come home to a pretty color after a long day at work :) So, while I don't have a bright and colorful back porch, I have a calming and beautiful color on the whole house. Thank you to the best hubby ever! and for not being SOOOOO mad at me about the yellow porch idea :)
my cute yellow porch. Right Kali?
going green :)
this isn't so bad :) I felt so bad, I NEEDED to help!
I live in NPR, it's totally acceptable to paint in your bikini in the front yard :)))
I thought we should have left it like this for the week to freak out the association people....
Chris didn't think it was a good idea and finished most of the front.

It's pretty far from being finished and of course I'll post the finished product (I post everything :/ ) I'm slightly obsessed!

1 comment:

  1. looks awesome!!! but I would have voted for an all yellow house :)
